1. Emily constantly rushes into things. Have you ever rushed into something? How did it turn out? What are things you do to keep yourself from rushing decisions?
2. Emily is constantly worried about taking care of her family. Is your family important to you? Have you had to make sacrifices for your family? How does giving up things for your family make you feel?
3. Marcus had decided not to marry because of the way girls acted around him. Have you ever decided that you would not do something but changed your mind later? Is there anything you always wanted to do but never had a chance? Why do goals change over time?
4. Do you feel Lady Radford is pushy or loving? What are some of her best and worst traits? Would you want to have her as your mother?
5. Lady Radford walks in at a bad time and assumes wrong. Have you ever been in a situation where someone made the wrong judgement about you? How did you resolve the problem?
6. Marcus has a difficult time telling Emily he loves her. In what ways does Stephen help or hinder the situation? Have you ever given advice to someone that did not help them? What happened?
7. Similarly, Emily has a difficult time understanding Marcus' actions. Have you ever misunderstood someone? How did you find out the truth?
8. Many of the books characters do not trust Algernon when Emily continues to give him the benefit of the doubt. The Bible says to be as crafty as serpents and as innocent as doves. How is it difficult balancing this fine line in your life?
9. Some of the bad guys in this story are truly bad. They have completely closed themselves off to reform. How should they be dealt with by the law? Do you believe they should receive the death penalty for their crimes? (They would have been hung in the time period.)
10. Algernon makes many bad choices. Do you feel his actions are excusable? Do you think he has truly changed by the end of the book?