Monday, April 28, 2014

Preview First Chapter Over the Next Three Weeks!

Starting Wednesday, we will be posting a sneak peak at the entire first chapter of The Inconvenient Widow. You will get to read a little bit of the first chapter each day for the next three weeks on here FREE!

The Inconvenient Widow is an inspirational historical romance set in 1739 England. It is the first in the Situations of Inconvenience Series.

On Amazon, the paperback is 284 pages and costs $7.59 for the paperback and $0.99 for the Kindle version. If you purchase the paperback, you also have the option to get the Kindle version free for a limited time.

You can also purchase the paperback directly from our website for $6.99. Sorry, Kindle versions are only available from Amazon at this time.

Thursday, April 24, 2014


Nana comes from a rich merchant family. Her full name is Anna Taylor, but the young children in her charge always call her 'Nana.' She is not nobility, but her parents raised her in style in the city of London. She went to finishing school, but never wanted to push herself into the upper levels of society. She was content just being a governess and living on the fringes of it.

Nana has never had time to be in a relationship, but she understands what people in love do not because she is an unbiased observer. Her position as a servant has allowed her insight into both men and women that others don't take the time to learn.

Nana was The Radford's governess until Beatrice (Emily's youngest sister) turned 11 years old and went to finishing school. Then, Nana found a position in another household, but She and Emily continued to exchange letters. Nana's latest position was coming to an end when Emily asked her to become a lady's maid.

Nana is more of a city person and being in the country is a new and not altogether pleasant experience for her. However, she enjoys Emily's company.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Large Print Version of The Inconvenient Widow Available Soon!

By next week we hope to have the large print version of the first book in our Situations of Inconvenience Series available.

The regular version of The Inconvenient Widow is now available on  Amazon: (paperback is $7.59; Kindle version is $0.99). If you purchase the paperback, you also have the option to get the Kindle version free for a limited time.

You can also purchase the paperback directly from our website for $6.99 along with all our other great books that have been published. Sorry, e-book versions are only available from Amazon at this time.

Right now, we are featuring the first chapter of our soon to be released pre-Flood fantasy story: The Corruption on one of our other blogs, but we are planning a release of the first chapter of The Inconvenient Widow right here next week! If you want to read a little before buying, come back and visit us May 1st. 

Thursday, April 17, 2014


Lucian is a minor character who only lives through the first chapter of the book. He is best friends with Marcus, but he has loved and lost. The woman of his dreams grew tired of waiting for him and called off their engagement because a better marriage prospect came along.

Yes, you should feel sorry for Lucian. He has a reprobate brother, and he is dying from a gunshot wound caused by highwaymen. However, his problems in love were not one-sided. Lucian tends to get caught up in himself and misses things that are happening around him.

Although he can focus on a project with all of his ability, he was not the most devoted beau. He accepted that his first love was always going to be beside him, no matter what and invested little in the relationship.

Since that time, he has not made an effort to find someone else. I think Lucian is the perfect example of a man who was not meant to be in a relationship, but tries to force the issue. Some people will like Lucian - he is a kind, straightforward man - but his feelings for Emily are superficial. He has focused in on finding a wife, and she fills that need.

In another time or place, if he were focused on something else, he would not have even noticed her.

Thursday, April 10, 2014


Marcus became so disgusted with the marriage market misses, that he took a grand tour of Europe three times to avoid them. Although that made him very cultured, it kept him from meeting Emily during her one season.

Marcus has secluded himself in his country estate and refuses to be a part of the London scene anymore than is necessary. He does visit town when parliament is in session - he refuses to shirk his civil duty. However, he stays away from soirees and balls.

As the eldest, Marcus should marry and have an heir, but he has no intentions of keeping with this tradition. The thought of a marriage with a woman who cares more about what he can buy her than who he is makes him shudder. Like any good brother, he is planning to pass this distasteful task off to his younger sibling, Stephen.

When Marcus meets Emily, he is entranced by her beauty, but she also is in need of money. He is willing to befriend her as a kindness to Lucian, but he refuses to engage his heart. Just because she doesn't appear to be a fortune hunter on the outside doesn't mean she isn't one underneath.

Friday, April 4, 2014


Emily's family was never overly wealthy. When her father, Sir Henry, passed away, the estate was entailed. Thankfully, her three older sisters had already married - if not well at least in a manner that kept them happy and provided for their needs.

Emily was faced with the reality of remaining an old maid in her sisters' homes or trying to prevent that fate for her youngest sister, Beatrice. She chose to become a governess in hopes of helping to bring Beatrice out - whether her sister wants to marry or not.

Unfortunately, Emily is only mostly mild mannered. There comes a point when any woman of quality must draw the line between doing the work of an upper servant and doing that of a lower servant. Emily wants to be submissive, but occasionally her upper class background steps in and refuses to let her bend.

She is also very impulsive. Although she tries to think things through, she tends to leap before she looks. Instead of praying for the right way out, she frequently takes the first way out. When the story begins, she finds that she did not prepare for all outcomes. Her new employers have not arrived to take her into their home, and she has only enough spare money to either stay one night at the inn or return to London.

In true Emily style, she takes the first logical option that presents itself. However, life is never easy and she has many bridges to cross before she will find the path God has laid out for her.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Inconvenient Widow Is Published!

After a few technical difficulties, The Inconvenient Widow is now available on  Amazon: (paperback is $7.59; Kindle version is $0.99). If you purchase the paperback, you also have the option to get the Kindle version free for a limited time.

You can also purchase the paperback directly from our website for $6.99 along with all our other great books that have been published. Sorry, e-book versions are only available from Amazon at this time.

Right now, we are featuring the first chapter of our soon to be released pre-Flood fantasy story: The Corruption on one of our other blogs, but we are planning a release of the first chapter of The Inconvenient Widow right here in May! If you want to read a little before buying, come back and visit us May 1st.