Friday, April 4, 2014


Emily's family was never overly wealthy. When her father, Sir Henry, passed away, the estate was entailed. Thankfully, her three older sisters had already married - if not well at least in a manner that kept them happy and provided for their needs.

Emily was faced with the reality of remaining an old maid in her sisters' homes or trying to prevent that fate for her youngest sister, Beatrice. She chose to become a governess in hopes of helping to bring Beatrice out - whether her sister wants to marry or not.

Unfortunately, Emily is only mostly mild mannered. There comes a point when any woman of quality must draw the line between doing the work of an upper servant and doing that of a lower servant. Emily wants to be submissive, but occasionally her upper class background steps in and refuses to let her bend.

She is also very impulsive. Although she tries to think things through, she tends to leap before she looks. Instead of praying for the right way out, she frequently takes the first way out. When the story begins, she finds that she did not prepare for all outcomes. Her new employers have not arrived to take her into their home, and she has only enough spare money to either stay one night at the inn or return to London.

In true Emily style, she takes the first logical option that presents itself. However, life is never easy and she has many bridges to cross before she will find the path God has laid out for her.

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